We will only ever know a Compendium of the Truth.
Every Now weaves a thread in the Fabric of All Tomorrows.
The Truth is subject to change without notice.
When we do Notice, it’s on us to Adapt.
Yes, you can lie, but why would you? The Truth is far more interesting. Lies only further complicate the clusterfuck.
The Collective Consciousness is Connected with or without Consent.
It is up to each individual to be Kind and Caring and Courageous.
Comfort, Consent, Curiosity, Kindness, Caring, Courage, Cluster, Cohort, Compendium, Creativity, Compassion,
Coming Soon: Creed, code of conduct, guiding principles:
Deja Vu - a feeling in the present perhaps triggered by a future recollection of that moment. A visceral bookmark in time. You ever have that dream where you look up at the sky and see faces watching you from above? Maybe that’s you, from outside of linear time.
I mean, I don't know, I'm an artist that speaks robot. I went to art school and felt like after the postmodern movement and the invention of the internet, the 'trends' of previously understood movements would fall away out of linear history. People today have access to so much of the world's knowledge, over such a breadth of time and space, that the influences of each individual are being pushed and pulled in unpredictable ways by the attention economy and academia has lost it's appeal. I started calling this millenium the Post Modern Cluster Fuck. The Anthroposcene of Media. The realiziation of the extent to which things have gotten wildly out of hand. The acceptance that there are infinitely many factors at play. The courage to lead with curiosity and compassion. Less control, more collaboration. An almost aimless, sorta socialist, totally anticapitalist rant that plays over the entirety of my life and especially my career. And I'm not sure yet about this font, but I do think this is the proper forum for the point I was hoping to get across. I think it's important to try while those who might get the references are still sharp enough to send themselves there via deja vu. I mean, there's no way conciousness is linear - the future bleeds into our imaginations as we work to create it....the past is here whenever we tell stories, you reading this; that's time travel baby. How do I know? I've built a few time machines in my day, okay?